Trajectory Ministries’ main emphasis is to encourage and equip the local church and its leaders to fulfill their God ordained purpose, especially through times of transition and personal or corporate crisis. It is our ultimate desire to see all believers embrace God’s trajectory for their life, testimony and ministry, living unhindered through the power of Jesus Christ for the furtherance of the Gospel — and we believe the health of the church is a crucial component.
Each church is as unique as it’s leaders, so we work with each one to design a strategy that will work best. This can include, but is not limited to:
providing interim pastor services during lead pastor transition;
working alongside pastors, support staff and church leadership to facilitate healing, reconciliation and renewed focus on the mission of the church;
training pastors and church leaders in preaching, pastoral ministry and leadership;
ministering to pastors and their families who are in crisis or hurting, providing mentoring and encouragement to fulfill God’s calling on their lives;
providing resources for the purpose of encouraging all believers to embrace God’s trajectory for their life, testimony and ministry.

January 1, 2023
Trajectory Ministries is the culmination of over 29 years in church and pastoral ministry together as husband and wife. After pastoring in the Raleigh area for 23 years, we began to sense God moving us in a new direction toward the end of 2019. After several months of prayer, Marty announced his intent to retire from full time pastoral ministry to our church family. The announcement was mailed out just weeks before the COVID pandemic turned the world and the church upside down. We stayed and walked through that unprecedented crisis with our church family and stepped away in 2021 with a complete peace that we had accomplished all that God had called us to do there. Despite the sadness we felt to leave our church family and the area we had raised our children and called home for 24 years, we were excited about this new chapter of ministry God has placed before us during an unparalleled time in church history.
It is our ultimate desire to see believers fully embrace God’s trajectory for their life, testimony and ministry, living unhindered through the power of Jesus Christ for the furtherance of the Gospel. After 28 years serving in the local church, we know that healthy churches and their leadership are a crucial component to accomplishing this goal. During our years in pastoral ministry, we led through difficult transitions, as well as periods of corporate and personal crisis - and we saw how God can use those difficult times in our lives and the life of the church to cultivate a renewed sense of purpose and direction. We also know that the health of a church’s leader(s) impacts the overall health of the church, so we have a special place in our hearts for pastors and their wives who are experiencing a crisis or a difficult season of ministry. We know firsthand what it feels like to be so depleted by an unexpected trial that it’s a struggle to keep your own head above the rising water, much less minister to anyone else. We also understand the weight of personal pain, betrayal and loss on top of the pressures of pastoring a church and caring for your own family. All of these experiences have given us, not only a desire to help churches in crisis, but to minister to pastors and their wives who are hurting.
We have been blessed in so many ways to be a part of what God was doing in the midst of multiple church dynamics over the years, from a church where we witnessed God pour out genuine revival, to a church hindered in moving forward due to unresolved anger and bitterness toward past leadership. We have served through difficult staff transitions and pastored those who sought to cause dissention within the body, but through it all we have had the incredible blessing of seeing men, women, boys and girls profess faith in Jesus Christ and witnessed a passion for the Lord unleashed as individuals grew in their personal relationship with their Savior and began sharing their faith with others – and that’s what it’s all about!
Trajectory Ministries will be adding resources for pastors, church leaders and all Christ followers as we move forward in obedience to this calling. It is our hope that we can encourage all believers, no matter their calling, to embrace God’s trajectory for their life, testimony and ministry, living unhindered through the power of the Holy Spirit for the furtherance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the edification of His Church and the glory of God.
We invite you to contact us with any questions. We are more than happy to talk with you!
Marty & Lori Jacumin